Plus, Rick and Morty Season 2 Episode 3 takes the concept of an alien hive mind in fresh, fascinating and funny directions (“Go Son, Go!”). Rick and Unity’s relationship is surprisingly affecting, leading up Rick’s suicide attempt: a genuine emotional gut-punch. Rick and Morty Season 2 Episode 3 “Auto Erotic Assimilation” Filmmaker Behind "Back to the Future Predicts 9/11" Explains What.Flat Earth Theory Is Back, Baby! Why 2015 Is The Perfect Year For.Rick and Morty Season 2 Episode 5 “Get Schwifty” feels more like a fantastic Futurama episode than Rick and Morty.īeen a rough week so it's time to get schwifty Plus, the Ice-T subplot is too non-sequitur goofball compared to the rest of Rick and Morty Season 2’s comedic rigor. Rick and Morty is at its best when it throws out one-off sci-fi idea jokes that could fuel a Star Trek two-parter. Yeah, “Get Schwifty” the song is funny, but the episode is sluggish compared to the best Rick and Morty episodes. Rick and Morty Season 2 Episodes Ranked Rick and Morty Season 2 Episode 5 “Get Schwifty” So here it is, every episode of Rick and Morty Season 2 ranked. Also, I like safe clicks and ranking popular things provides. I’m here because some small lobe of brain matter mysterious housed in my asshole believes that my opinions are more right and taste isn’t really subjective at all.

Why would anyone accept my ranking of Rick and Morty Season 2 episodes? You’re here to see where we disagree and whether or not I do anything exceptionally boneheaded like rank Star Trek Into Darkness as the 5th best Star Trek movie.